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1. What is TELEGNOUS?

TELEGNOUS is the organization established by the mobile electronic communications service providers COSMOTE, VODAFONE, and NOVA (mobile communications companies) currently operating in the Greek market, whose purpose is the establishment and operation of a common database containing data on the financial behavior of subscribers-customers (natural or legal persons) of mobile electronic communications companies. The sources of the data and the recipients of the information derived from the database will exclusively be the mobile electronic communications companies participating in the Entity.

The inclusion criteria for TELEGNOUS are as follows:

  1. An outstanding debt equal to or greater than two hundred (200) euros, which has been overdue for more than ninety (90) days
  2. Overdue debt resulting from non-payment of any account and disconnection or transfer to another network through number portability.

The mobile communications companies will consult TELEGNOUS before entering into a contract with their new customers, as part of the pre-contractual credit assessment. The only information they can obtain is whether the subscriber is included in TELEGNOUS or not and, if yes, in which of the two categories mentioned above.

Important note: A debt is considered overdue if it remains unpaid after thirty (30) days from the date of issuance of the billing statement indicated on it.

2. What is the purpose of TELEGNOUS?

The purpose of TELEGNOUS is to establish and operate a shared database of financial behavior (creditworthiness) data of subscribers-customers (natural or legal persons) of the participating Providers, in order to enable the assessment of the pr ospective customer's creditworthiness for either a new mobile connection or number portability to another Provider. TELEGNOUS does not handle debt settlement requests or other unrelated inquiries.


1. What information does TELEGNOUS hold on me?

If a customer of a mobile electronic communications company, among those participating in the Entity, whether active or disconnected, has outstanding debts falling under one of the above-mentioned categories (see Q.1), without having reached a settlement, the respective company, after prior notification, will provide TELEGNOUS with their information, which is limited exclusively to their Tax Identification Number (or Greek ID Card for Greek nationals) or passport /other official identification document number and country of issuance (for foreign nationals), full name/father's name, and the category of financial behavior (i.e. "a" or "b").

TELEGNOUS may receive your Data (Tax Identification Number or Greek ID Card if you are a Greek national, Tax Identification Number or passport or other official identification document number and country of issuance if you are a foreign national, Full Name, Father's Name), as well as your Mailing Address (street, number, postal code) and contact details (telephone, fax, email address) directly from you in the event that you submit a request for exercising a right/question/complaint.


1. How am I informed about TELEGNOUS?

You can be informed through:

  • The Service Providers who announce the existence of TELEGNOUS on their websites and include relevant terms in the contracts of new subscribers.
  • TELEGNOUS itself via its website and through the telephone call center (Call Center) at 210-6180011.

2. Is my company obliged to notify me about the information stored in your database?

Mobile electronic communication companies are obligated to inform their entire customer base of contract customers for mobile communication services about the operation and purpose of the TELEGNOUS database. Additionally, they are required to individually inform subscribers when they meet the inclusion criteria for the TELEGNOUS database (as mentioned in Q.1) regarding their imminent inclusion, providing them with a reasonable deadline to settle their debts.

3. How can I find out if I am included in TELEGNOUS database?

Subscribers who meet the inclusion criteria (see Q.1) will be informed in a timely manner by their service provider (e.g., through a bill, or a letter, and/or text message) about the possibility of transferring their data to TELEGNOUS, in which they will be provided with a reasonable deadline to settle their debts. In any case, if you have not received any relevant information but you nevertheless consider that you may have outstanding debts with a mobile electronic communications company which falls under one of the two categories mentioned in Q.1, you may visit the "Services" section and follow the instructions for submitting an "Access Request to Personal Data" to TELEGNOUS.


1. Are all subscribers of all networks included in the TELEGNOUS database, regardless of their economic behavior?

The database maintained by TELEGNOUS contains only the data of those subscribers whose debts to a mobile electronic communications company fall into one of the two categories mentioned in Q.1. and who have not entered into a debt settlement or repayment arrangement.

2. How can my information be deleted from the economic behavior database maintained by TELEGNOUS?

Upon settlement of the overdue debt with the respective mobile electronic communications company, the company will immediately delete the respective entry from the TELEGNOUS database.

3. If I have simply delayed a payment in the past (which I eventually paid), will my information be stored on the database that is operated by TELEGNOUS?

If you have paid off your debt, the mobile communications company is required to remove your data from the TELEGNOUS database, provided they had been transmitted to it in the first place. In any event, you may visit our "Services" page and follow the instructions for submitting a "Request for Deletion of Personal Data”.


1. What are my rights?

  • You have the Right of Access.

This means that you have the right to be informed by TELEGNOUS if you are registered in the Common Database. If you are included, you can request to be informed about the purpose of processing your Data, the type of Data we keep, which Provider registered it, to whom we disclose it, which Provider has requested it, how long we store it, as well as your other rights, such as rectification, data erasure, restriction of processing, and lodging a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

  • You have the right to Object to the processing f your Data, i.e., their non-disclosure.

In this case, the information will not be disclosed to the Telecommunications Mobile Providers if you are or are not included in the TELEGNOUS database, and they will be informed in case your data is searched in the TELEGNOUS database that you do not wish to disclose that information.

  • You have the right to withdraw your right to Object to the processing of your Data, i.e., the right to disclose them.

In this case, the non-disclosure of the Data concerning you to the Telecommunications Mobile Providers is lifted, and they will be informed in case your data is searched in the TELEGNOUS database whether you are or are not included in it.

2. How can I exercise my rights?

You can exercise your rights by using the standard Request Forms available on the TELEGNOUS website at If you choose to send your Request by post, after completing the Form, you will need to verify your signature at a Citizen Service Center (KEP) or Police Department or through the platform, and then send it to the address of TELEGNOUS (12 Rizareiou Street,Chalandri, Attica, Postal Code 15233), to the attention of the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
If you choose to send your Request electronically, after completing the Form, you can either follow the above verification process through a KEP or Police Department or the portal, or use an approved electronic signature (electronic signature accompanied by a relevant digital certificate) and send it to, to the attention of the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
If your request is submitted electronically, you will receive our response in your email, unless you request that it be sent to you in another way. To submit the Request electronically through the portal, you need to select the section "Statutory Declaration with Free Text," and in the free text of the statutory declaration, to include the content of your request, i.e., which of your rights you want to exercise. In the free text field of the declaration, you should also indicate the preferred method of receiving our response.

3. How can I issue the responsible declaration electronically through

You can access the service in two ways:
Using your personal web banking passcodes of National Bank of Greece, Piraeus Bank, Alpha Bank, or Eurobank.
Using your personal access passcodes in Taxisnet (after logging in once with your web banking passcodes to confirm your mobile phone number).
Then, you will receive verification codes via SMS on your mobile phone.
To submit the Request electronically through the portal, you need to select the section "Statutory Declaration with Free Text," and in the free text of the statutory declaration, include the content of your request, i.e., which of your rights you want to exercise. In the free text field of the declaration, you should also indicate the preferred method of receiving our response.

4. Is digital signature accepted in TELΕGΝΟUS, and what are the validity requirements?

An approved electronic signature, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 910/2014 and/or Presidential Decree 150/2001, is equivalent to a handwritten signature (certified by a Citizen Service Center or Police Department). Specifically, as stated on the website of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) , for an electronic signature, the issuance of a digital certificate by an approved trust service provider is required. The list of approved trust service providers can be found here.

TELΕGΝΟUS accepts applications from subscribers bearing an approved electronic signature, as described above.

5. Is it possible for my data not to be transferred from TELEGNOUS to mobile electronic communication companies?

Yes, it is possible if you are registered in the database and submit a "Request for Objection to the processing of personal data" to TELEGNOUS (The relevant application template can be found in the "Services" category). In this case, if any other mobile communication company requests access to your data from TELEGNOUS, TELEGNOUS will inform the company that you do not wish for your data to be transmitted. For more information about the procedure and to find the relevant request, please follow the instructions on the "Services" page.

6. How can I find out which mobile communications company has requested my information?

You can request the above information by submitting a "Request for Access to your personal data," which can be found here. When completing the Request, you should select the box "Which Telecommunications Provider has requested my information?" Additional information regarding the submission process of the Request can be found on the form.

7. Within how many days will TELEGNOUS respond to my request?

We respond to your Requests promptly and free of charge, and in any case, within one (1) month from the date we receive your request. However, if your Request is complex or there is a high volume of Requests, we will inform you within the month if we need an extension of up to two (2) months to respond to you.

If your Requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, especially due to their repetitive nature, TELEGNOUS may impose a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs for providing the information or carrying out the requested action, or may refuse to follow up to the Request.

8. Where can I find out the status of my requests?

For more information, you can call 210-6180011, Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1 pm.

9. Where can I send my request to TELEGNOUS?

You can send your requests by mail to TELΕGΝΟUS (12 Rizareiou Street, Chalandri, Attica, Postal Code 15233) or electronically to, to the attention of the DPO.

10. Can I establish a new connection contract or switch to another Provider through number portability if I am in the Common Database?

Providers cannot deny you telecommunications services (connection to their network, number portability), but they can consult the Common Database to guide you properly towards an affordable plan that suits your financial capabilities or to assess if a guarantee is required.